Ana Luiza Magalhães is a natural communicator, passionate about design, media, sustainability, and cultural diversity. She is a trend researcher, Social Communicator and holds a Master in Media Industries from the University of Leeds, Leeds (UK). She has worked in advertising and design agencies in Brazil and England. In 2017, she moved from London to Milan and co-created SOMA_studimilano with industrial designer Marlon Chiumento. At SOMA, they raise awareness about the circular economy and circular design by providing: circular design consultancy, material research, trend forecasting, design, and communication.
Marlon Chiumento holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from the European Design Institute (IED) in Milan, Italy, and Circular Economy from TU Delft in partnership with Ellen MacArthur Foundation. He has worked with design studios and furniture brands in Italy and Brazil and as a guest professor at some Brazilian and Italian institutions. In 2017, he moved to Milan and co-created SOMA_studiomilano.